
French Mosque Attacks

November 8, 2019 The State Times 0

Jessica Kennedy, Staff Writer

French police arrested an 84-year-old man responsible for mosque attacks in Bayonne. The assailant, Claude Sinké, set fires at the scene and shot religious supporters of …


Halloween in the Halls

November 8, 2019 The State Times 0

Colin Maruscsak, Staff Writer

Oct. 31, the SUNY Oneonta campus upheld its yearly Halloween in the Halls tradition where kids from all over town come to the dorm buildings and …


Aducanumab: Alzheimer’s Drug

November 1, 2019 The State Times 1

Erin Spicer, Staff Writer |

This past week, Biogen, a pharmaceutical drug company, released a statement saying they requested the Food and Drug Administration approve their new drug, aducanumab, to …


Hong Kong Police Brutality Escalates

October 11, 2019 The State Times 0

Anna Hintzsche, Contributing Writer |

Over the past several months, tensions between Hong Kong Chinese governments have been rising. The citizens of Hong Kong are protesting in hopes of earning …


Attack on Finnish College Campus

October 11, 2019 The State Times 0

Jessica Kennedy, Staff Writer |

On Oct. 1, a student of the Savo Vocational College in Kuopio, Finland went to school with the intent to attack teachers and classmates. Witnesses …


Commuter Parking Issues

October 11, 2019 The State Times 1

Erin Spicer, Staff Writer |

This past summer, the SUNY Oneonta campus updated some of its features, such as the parking lot located by the Hunt Union, as well as …