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Local News

Supersized Wages

September 10, 2014 The State Times 0

Monica Dore, News Editor 

For nearly three years, the Service Employees International Union has been organizing events to push for an increased minimum wage among other benefits, and in the …

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National News

Racial Divide Remains in Ferguson

September 3, 2014 The State Times 0

Ryan Hendrickson, Staff Writer

On August 9 in Ferguson, Missouri, eighteen-year-old Michael Brown was walking down the street with a friend when a police officer pulled up next to them. …

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National News

Supreme Court Hears Ohio Campaign Case

April 30, 2014 The State Times 0

Ben Winters, Staff Writer

On April 22, an Ohio law that criminalizes misinformation in political campaigns was brought to the Supreme Court. In 2010, Democrat Steve Driehaus ran for re-election …

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National News

Northeast Heroin Epidemic

April 30, 2014 The State Times 0

Monica Dore, Copy-Editor


In early January, Vermont Governor Peter Shumlin dedicated the entirety of his annual State of the State address to what was then a little known problem—the growing …

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National News

No Square Deal with Chesapeake Energy

March 19, 2014 The State Times 0

National News
Cady Kuzmich
News Editor


Chesapeake Energy CEO Aubrey McLendon, named Forbes “Most Reckless Billionaire” in 2011, is in the spotlight once again, but this time it isn’t for …

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National News

Security vs Liberty

March 12, 2014 The State Times 0

National News
Staff Writer
Hope Costa

October 26, 2001, six weeks after the attacks on the World Trade Center, the USA Patriot Act was passed, bringing with it one of …

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National News

The Ever-Changing World of Internships

March 5, 2014 The State Times 0

National News
Staff Writer
Ben Winters


Internships, while an integral part of today’s educational process, have a certain stigma attached to them. For many, the word “internship” means being unpaid, …