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Campus News

St. Oney Set to Usurp St. Patty

March 6, 2012 Kate Koenig 2

Jeannie Nielsen, Staff Writer

   It has been a fixture of mid-March: students wandering around both campus and downtown, decked out as Irish caricatures adorned with shamrock necklaces, fake orange beards, …

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National News

Santorum Emerges as Romney Alternative

March 6, 2012 Kate Koenig 0

Kayla Whitaker, Staff Writer

   As November gets closer, the presidential candidates are pulling out all the stops to give their campaigns a leg up on the competition. Rick Santorum has …

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Campus News

College Camp’s Diverse Offerings

March 6, 2012 Kate Koenig 0

Laura Arias, Staff Writer

   The College Camp here at SUNY Oneonta is located on 276 acres of former farm land and offers students educational, recreational and social opportunities. When the …

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National News

Google Unveils Techno-Glasses

March 6, 2012 Kate Koenig 0

Tara Miner, Staff Writer

   Imagine a future in which, instead of turning on your smartphone when you’re walking to class or on the bus to work, you can simply put …

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Campus News

Reality in 400 Words or Less

February 28, 2012 Kate Koenig 0

Tim Lavis, News Editor

ST: Explain the basic concept of your website.
JM: Simplify Reality is your news in 400 words or less. What we do is explain social concepts, …

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UN Addresses Syrian Violence

February 28, 2012 Kate Koenig 0

Jackie Victoria, Contributing Writer

   Valentine’s Day marked the eleventh day of the Syrian government’s ongoing attack on the central, civilian city of Homs, which is still underway. The Arab League …

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Chavez Challenged in Upcoming Election

February 28, 2012 Kate Koenig 0

Tara Miner, Staff Writer

   Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez will have a strong opponent in the 2012 election. Recently, Henrique Capriles, a 39-year-old governor, won the country’s primary for the presidential …

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Campus News

Textual Harrasment: A PSA from UPD

February 28, 2012 Kate Koenig 0

T-Sgt. Nate Leonard, Columnist

   Almost everyone communicates using cell phones these days, whether by texting or calling. Cell phones are extremely convenient and are a great luxury. I’m sure many …

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Campus News

Driving Tips for an Upstate Winter

February 14, 2012 Kate Koenig 0

T-Sgt. Nate Leonard, Columnist

So far this winter we have been very lucky as far as snowfall and cold weather are concerned. (Please find a piece of wood and start …