
Gluten Free: Is It Worth the struggle?
Monica Dore, News Editor
There is a story about Marie-Antoinette heartlessly uttering, “Let them eat cake,” when told that her French subjects could not afford to have bread. Although historians …

Stepping Out and Looking Back
Indiana Nash, Editor-in-Chief
Prior to attending college, I was under the impression that the experience would be akin to summer camp with a ton of work and sleepless nights thrown …

Shameless Self-love
Marielle Genovesi, Culture Editor
Narcissism is defined as inordinate fascination with oneself, or excessive self-love. A choice word when attempting to let off steam about “that guy” in your group …

A Look at What Matters
Monica Dore, Copy Editor
Like many, I spent spring break catching up on sleep and ignoring my homework. As usual, my mom gave me some chores to keep me busy, …

The Age of Digital Dependency
Alex Fredkin, Managing Editor
The iPhone 5s, the Galaxy S5, the Nexus 5. Everyone has their favorite phone it seems that they just can’t get enough of. I have an …

Faith in the Stars
Adia watts, Copy Editor
Do you believe in horoscopes? Most people would say they don’t, that horoscopes are a complete joke, that there’s no way their birthday could have any …

Cady Kuzmich. News Editor
Typically, a nation’s youth plays the role of the progressive wave of change, a catalyst, demanding higher standards of their government and of society. As protests …

Going Meatless
Danielle Rennard, Culture Editor
I’ve always said that at some point in my life I would attempt to become a vegetarian. I’m pro-animal rights and have always been that girl …