
Feminism 101
Gemma Pinto, Staff Writer
SUNY Oneonta, it’s time for a lesson on feminism. Usually people associate feminism predominantly with women but in reality, feminism exists because of both sexes. …

Bananas for Bananas
Holly Lowery, Staff Writer
I don’t know about the rest of you, but more times than not I find myself stuck on campus between classes, hungrier than a stray …

Minimum Wage on the Rise
Monica Dore– Copy Editor
During the summers, I spend a decent amount of time working odd jobs, hoping to scrape up enough money to get textbooks or maybe even …

The Many Uses of “Mary Jane”
Sarah Meltzer– Staff Writer
Mary Jane, Kush, grass; all names that add to the negative connotations associated with marijuana. Yet, as additional states continue to question the possibilities of …

Texting on the Outs
Kelly Newman– Contributing Writer
In today’s day and age it seems that everyone, including older generations, is aware of text messaging and its impact on communication. Practically everyone understands …

Sex: The Better Flu “Cure”
Tracey Cheek– Staff Writer
Winter is the season of sickness and the post-Rush Week ailment has struck our campus. In class you hear nothing but coughs and sniffles and …

Facebook Stalking: Is it Really that Creepy?
Sarah Heikkinen– Contributing Writer
We’ve all done it. Whether your motives were romantic or fueled by boredom and curiosity, nearly every one of us is guilty of checking someone …

Experiencing Reading Electronically
Melissa Rosman– Staff Writer
Starting college in the 2000s, we have begun to see the transition from traditional texts to recently popular e-books. This electronic design may seem new …

Cauliflower Rice
Holly Lowery– Staff Writer
Many of you may already be substituting whole foods for more processed ones (i.e. rice, pasta, breads), but for others I’m about to blow your …