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Sparks Returns with Another Great Romance

March 15, 2012 Kate Koenig 0

Jessica Moroz, Staff Writer

   What comes to mind when you think of Nicholas Sparks? Maybe “The Notebook,” “Dear John,” “A Walk to Remember” or even “The Last Song?” Besides these …

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“The Angel Esmeralda” Soars

February 28, 2012 Kate Koenig 0

Sam Spokony, Photo Editor

   When Thomas Pynchon released “Slow Learner” — a collection of five short stories published very early in his career — in 1984, it wasn’t just about …

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Confessions about The Confession

February 24, 2012 Kate Koenig 0

Sam Spokony, Photo Editor

A mother-and-son writing team. Now I’ve seen it all. My own mother recently told me that she’d suggested we write something together back when I was …

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Poem of the Week, 10/26/11

October 30, 2011 Kate Koenig 0

Salem Eames, Culture Editor

The State Times Culture Section is looking for student submissions! We are accepting photos taken oncampus or elsewhere in Oneonta, as well as original poetry or …

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The “Fallen” Book Series: A Review

October 30, 2011 Kate Koenig 0

Erin Potter, Columnist

Lauren Kate’s “Fallen” series contains three books so far: “Fallen,” “Torment” and “Passion.” The fourth and final book, “Rapture,” will be out next year.

The first book, …