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February 12, 2014 Melissa Rosman 0

Marielle Genoves, Culture Editor


Aries: Your “sweet-heart” will give you moldy chocolates for Valentine’s Day, and he will say it is because you have grown on him just like mold. …

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Tea Time for the Mind and Body

February 5, 2014 The State Times 0

 Kelly Newman, Contributing Writer


January was National Hot Tea Month, and rightfully so, considering the delicious drink is the perfect delicacy during the bitter cold long days of winter. Tea …

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Perks of Pets in College

February 5, 2014 The State Times 0

Rebecca Pollard, Contributing Writer dog

Some people believe that owning an animal in college is a bad idea. Many students think that an animal would just be an added nuisance …

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What is Rape Culture?

February 5, 2014 The State Times 0

Gemma Pinto, Staff Writer

Rape culture is a means of adapting rape into our society’s lives. It’s seen predominantly in the media– through television shows, movies and the Internet. It …

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Feminism 101

February 5, 2014 The State Times 0

Gemma Pinto, Staff Writer


SUNY Oneonta, it’s time for a lesson on feminism. Usually people associate feminism predominantly with women but in reality, feminism exists because of both sexes. …

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Minimum Wage on the Rise

January 29, 2014 Melissa Rosman 1

Monica DoreCopy Editor

During the summers, I spend a decent amount of time working odd jobs, hoping to scrape up enough money to get textbooks or maybe even …

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The Many Uses of “Mary Jane”

January 29, 2014 Melissa Rosman 0

Sarah MeltzerStaff Writer

Mary Jane, Kush, grass; all names that add to the negative connotations associated with marijuana. Yet, as additional states continue to question the possibilities of …

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Texting on the Outs

January 29, 2014 Melissa Rosman 0

Kelly NewmanContributing Writer 

In today’s day and age it seems that everyone, including older generations, is aware of text messaging and its impact on communication. Practically everyone understands …

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Sex: The Better Flu “Cure”

January 29, 2014 Melissa Rosman 0

Tracey CheekStaff Writer

Winter is the season of sickness and the post-Rush Week ailment has struck our campus. In class you hear nothing but coughs and sniffles and …