HalloWONY Concert

Board & Brush

By Riley Peru, Staff Writer

On October 26th, WONY 90.9 FM hosted its “HalloWONY” Halloween concert. WONY is SUNY Oneonta’s college radio station. They host their own podcasts as well as local events on campus pertaining to music. The club has general body meetings which are announced on their social media page. This event was their first live show of the year, and it was very exhilarating to attend. At this event, there were attractions such as a costume contest and three local bands that performed in front of a live audience.

Students were able to enter the contest if they arrived within the first thirty minutes of the event. There was a large range of costumes, and the top three winners received a goodie bag courtesy of the club. Costumes ranged from vampires to cartoon characters, to a whole band dressed up as different versions of Barbie. Most people who attended were dressed up and ready to dance to the band’s live music.

To begin the night of performances, Life Skills started their set. They had the whole crowd dancing and singing along and learning the words along the way, leading to an exciting and fun set from them. Their performance was followed by Boiler Room, who gave a performance whose energy was matched by the crowd. This performance was their debut live performance, making it that much more exciting for everyone involved.  Following this performance, the winners of the costume contest were announced. Third place went to Pikachu, second place went to “Weed Jesus”, and the first-place award was given to Eminem. The staff working at the event voted on the winners and expressed their difficulties in picking just one single winner. Finally, Rib and the Bones came on to perform. They performed original songs as well as some covers.  The bands even showed up in costume to join in on the festivities.  These bands do local performances and can be seen at other local venues both on and off campus. Their music falls under the genres of indie and rock, mixed with a gothic element.

Overall, the event received positive feedback from all of those who attended and made for a very fun night.  The night consisted of laughter, dancing, and tons of candy. The WONY club members organized this event themselves and will continue to host events throughout the year as well as the semester. To get involved in WONY, their office is located on the first floor of Hunt Union right by Red Dragon Express. Below are the Instagram handles of the bands, as well as WONY’s social media. Be sure to check them out for information regarding performances, and other events these groups will be attending. Their profiles are updated frequently, so make sure you don’t miss out on any upcoming events!  I would also like to thank the members of WONY who introduced themselves to me and made sure everyone was safe and had a good time.  Be sure to listen to their radio station as well as some of the shows they have throughout the year!

Rib and The Bones: @ribandthebones

Boiler Room: @boiler_room_ny

WONY FM: @wonyfm

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