Young Americans For Liberty Meeting

The State Times

Lara Murray-Sterzel, Staff Writer |

On Tuesday, Feb. 28, Young Americans For Liberty held a weekly meeting to discuss current events, debate various topics, and make plans encouraging mobilization and activism for the spring semester. The club is welcoming to students who share all political beliefs, not just Democrat or Republican. At this meeting, club members wanted to break things down before our week off so they could get an idea of what their next move would be when we returned.

Alec Woodruff, leader of the Young Americans For Liberty Club, welcomed members for coming to their meeting. One of the main topics of discussion was Revolution 2023, an annual event happening on March 8 at the Gaylord Hotel in Orlando, Florida. This three-day convention sees students come together to hear speakers talk about the future of national politics. It provides them with chances to mingle and form connections. Club members are excited to welcome back guest speakers like Ron Paul, Spike Cohen, and Brandon Herrera.

The other topic of the meeting was to discuss current plans for the club, which involve volunteering for “Into the Streets”, a nonprofit organization dedicated to spring cleaning activities. This organization mainly works in the Otsego and Delaware counties, where they do gardening, painting, cleanups, and lawn care. Alec Woodruff said “Into the Streets” sent him an email asking if they’d be interested in joining them this semester. For more information on “Into the Streets”, visit their Oneonta website at

The last topic of discussion the club brought up was a very interesting one to be held. Young Americans for Liberty started talking about artificial intelligence and the effect it’s having on society. They feel that this growing technology will affect our liberty in the long term and may hold meaning in the future. Mixed feelings about the matter were held, but one thing was made certain. Change and advancement are needed to grow, but what we add to our technologies can take us away from being human. The Club fears a loss of individuality if the wrong person holds the power. But they also held hope that past histories like art, science, and music will remind people of what’s important.

As of right now, the Young Americans for Liberty are in talks of holding a campus event, something like Revolution 2023. They would like a specific speaker to come and discuss current events happening in politics or the effects politics is having on society. No date was mentioned, but the Club is looking for new ideas. Young Americans for Liberty encourages all students to get involved with their club. To learn more about Young Americans For Liberty go to the Corq app to attend their weekly meetings or email Alec Woodruff personally at [email protected].  

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