Alex Fredkin, Arts Editor
For decades musicians have been making music with one thing in mind – love making. There are countless songs that people enjoy listening to that touch on sexual themes. While everyone has their favorites, here are the six songs that I think best represent a sexual vibe and romanticism, and are perfect for getting you in the mood.
6. Citizen Cope “If There’s Love”
“If There’s Love” is probably the least-known song on the list, but it is certainly deserving. Citizen Cope’s claim to fame is the mysterious and haunting track “Let the Drummer Kick,” but this song (another great one by them) takes on a totally different mood. With a peaceful guitar melody and smooth bass line, singer Clarence Greenwood soothes the listener with his voice. With the chorus line “If there’s love/ I just want to have something to do with it” you know he is serious about making love.
5. Juvenile “Slow Motion”
4. Portishead “Glory Box”
“Glory Box” by Portishead can be simultaneously haunting and sexual at the same time. It has all the elements of a dark, mysterious noir film. It crawls along at a snail’s pace, setting a strong groove with a sensual bass line offset by classical strings. The best part of this song, though, is certainly the vocals. Singer Beth Gibbons’ idiosyncratic style ranges from low, staccato vocalizations to the beautiful chorus where she laments “Give me a reason/ to love you. Give me a reason to be/ a woman.” The female perspective of a woman who is tired of chasing and wants a man to come to her makes this a unique and darkly sexual song.
3. Marvin Gaye “Sexual Healing”
One of the classic sexual songs of all time, “Sexual Healing” makes its intentions no secret. The bouncing rhythm and quintessential 80’s sound lends itself to Marvin Gaye’s signature voice. Gaye speaks on love-making in almost an innocent way; all he wants is a woman to make him happy. Gaye’s beautiful voice aches with such a sincerity, allowing any woman listening to let their guard down and be with him.
2. Frank Ocean “Thinking Bout You”
1. Marvin Gaye “Let’s Get It On”
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