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National News


October 29, 2014 The State Times 0

Kelly Spencer, Copy Editor 

If you’ve happened to use your eyes or ears in the last month, without a doubt you have heard of your oncoming death, currently traveling by

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Local News

Livestock in City Limits

October 8, 2014 The State Times 0

Monica Dore, News Editor

Something is upsetting the City of Oneonta residents, and this time it has nothing to do with SUNY and Hartwick students.

A meeting on October 7 …

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Campus News

SUNY Sheds Light on a Dark Subject

October 8, 2014 The State Times 0

Grace Carney, Staff Writer

On Friday, October 3, the SUNY Oneonta Women’s Varsity Lacrosse Team hosted a special event conducted to raise suicide awareness. Although the topic of suicide is …

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Western Involvement in ISIS

October 1, 2014 The State Times 1

Ryan Hendrickson, Staff Writer 

The United States, as well as forty other countries, is now engaged in yet another war in the Middle East. Over the past two weeks, the …

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Controlling the Ebola Outbreak

October 1, 2014 The State Times 0

Patrick Wolff, Staff Writer

As of September 26, the death toll in West Africa has surpassed 3,000 as a result of the recent Ebola outbreak. Estimates from the World Health …

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Local News

Plan C: Misoprostol

October 1, 2014 The State Times 0

Kelly Spencer, Copy Editor 

Nearly a year ago, Texas legislature passed House Bill 2, infamized by Senator Wendy Davis’s 11-hour filibuster. Since then, the bill, which restricts abortions after 20