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Campus News

A New G3n Ed

September 23, 2015 The State Times 0

Alex Park, Managing Editor

SUNY Oneonta has implemented a new general education system and it may affect your time at school in more ways than one. In what was called …

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Campus News

Gender Out of Bounds

September 23, 2015 The State Times 0

Alex Puricelli, Contributing Writer

“Your life is a trajectory of social justice,” Dr. Maylei Blackwell told a small crowd of students and faculty members who gathered at the Center for …

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National News

Gray Family Settles for $6.4M

September 19, 2015 The State Times 0


Auriana Melendez-Garcia, Contributing Writer

After months of waiting, the family of Freddie Gray has agreed with the City of Baltimore to accept a settlement of $6.4 million for the …

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Campus News

RED Talks

September 19, 2015 The State Times 0

Astrid Ressler, Copy Editor

During Welcome Back Dragon Week on campus, the Student Association began the fall semester by unveiling a new event that will hopefully become a staple for …

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National News

A Close Race for 2016

September 19, 2015 The State Times 0


Emma Harris, Contributing Writer

Although the 2016 Presidential Election is more than a year away, the candidates have already saturated national news outlets. With five candidates from the Democratic …

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National News

Kim Davis: Attacker or Under Attack?

September 19, 2015 The State Times 0

Cheyenne Dorsagno, Copy Editor

Ever since the video of a Rowan County, Kentucky clerk refusing marriage licenses to same-sex couples went viral, a heated media debate has ensued. The county …