
The Social Construction of Sexuality
Antoinette Astuto, President of G.E.a.R.S.
Sex and sexuality are concepts socially constructed and malleable through history. The ideas of what sexes are acceptable and unacceptable (male and female = acceptable, …

Kama Sutra or Sex-Yoga?
Danielle Rennard, Staff Writer
Are things getting boring for you in the bedroom? If so, Kama Sutra may be the answer to spice up your sex life. With over one …

The Female Ohh-rgasm
Laura Nayibi Arias, Culture Editor
“Why can’t I have an orgasm?” ask many frustrated women who believe to be missing the essence of sexual encounters when they find themselves not …

Marielle Genovesi, Staff Writer
Aries: Your smell is rancid—not like the 90s ska band. Like, actually terrible. Please clean yourself. It would be much appreciated by the very nice smelling …

Be the Green: Bolivia Recognizes Our Mother
Laura Nayibi Arias, Culture Editor
Doesn’t it always seem like governments only attempt to protect the natural environment when natural disasters triggered by environmental degradation occur? Even in such situations …

The Yule Ball Celebration: Spells, Wands and Wizard Treats
Audrey Olney, Contributing Writer
The Harry Potter Club hosted their second Yule Ball on Friday March 8, making it an evening of true magical excitement. This celebration was held to …

Women’s History Month Poetry Slam: When Poems Speak Louder than Words
Marielle Genovesi, Staff Writer
“Write something in honor of a woman who inspires you,” was written at the top of an initially blank sheet of paper passed around the audience …

SUNY Albany Offers Course on Hydraulic Fracturing
Laura Nayibi Arias, Culture Editor
The Marcellus Shale Seminar will be offered again at the University of Albany (SUNY) this semester for the third time since it was established in …

Marielle Genovesi, Staff Writer
Aquarius: Don’t follow your heart. It will just eventually cause you to write some terrible poetry that people will pretend to like.
Pisces: If someone tells …