
Answers to Last Week’s Crossword
Katie Ritchie – Contributing Writer
The only U.S President with a birthday in September/ Taft
To Autumn/ Keats
Leaves change color when this disappears/ chlorophyll
Learned to write music notes …

Blogs Worthy of Procrastination
Reilly Van Dyke- Copy Editor
Among the many things that college students do on a regular basis, one of the most common is procrastination. We’re all guilty of it. And …

Starbucks vs. Dunkin
Kailey Chambery- Contributing Writer
Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? Some people swear by one or the other but which contender comes out on top for cranking out the best cup o’ …

Celebrating 100 Years: A Love Affair with Mallomars
Donna Eberhart – Contributing Writer
It has been exactly 100 years since the invention of the most delicious delicacy hit thousands of stores. These amazing cookies have been a trademark …

Be the Joan of your Vag Arc
Gemma Pinto – Contributing Writer
From the monumental day that girls take the leap from young ladies to women, they are wired to believe that such an event is shameful, …

Take Your last Drag: SUNY Considers Smoking Ban
Hannah Griesel – Contributing Writer
Any long-time smoker ccould tell youabout the increased limitations on their smoking rights that have been imposed over the past decade. In 2003, smoking …

The Green Corner: Become One With Nature
Nature offers us a place to meditate, escape and find inner peace. I love to ride my mountain bike along the college camp trails to the hill crests where I …

Clean Autumn Eats
Holly Lowery – Contributing
Its that time of year again; when we all pull our jackets out of storage and bundle up in layers of knits, scarves and mittens. The …