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Separation of Yoga and State

March 6, 2013 The State Times 0

Reilly Van Dyke, Staff Writer

Weekly yoga classes are being challenged at a school district in the beach city of Encinitas, California. Complaints were filed by a family, with attorney …

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Extreme Weathers Get Closer to Home

March 6, 2013 The State Times 0

Danielle Rennard, Staff Writer

Wacky weather has led scientists to believe that climate changes have increased the chances for more severe weather patterns. Rather than speaking about the ill-fated weather …

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Women’s Day, Every Day

March 6, 2013 The State Times 0

Laura Nayibi Arias, Culture Editor

International Women’s Day is a day that has been recognized since the early 1900s. It was established for the acknowledgement of women’s actions towards better …

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A Ban on Junk Foods

February 13, 2013 The State Times 0

Tracey Cheek, Staff Writer

Imagine growing up in an elementary school without being able to buy those cheddar fries at lunchtime, or in middle school without having a hot fudge …

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Constructions of Beauty

February 6, 2013 The State Times 0

Kaylyn Boccia, Staff Writer

Starting at an extremely young age, girls are overloaded with hard, and sometimes unattainable, body and beauty expectations promoted through all forms of media. Advertisements are …

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Colleges Going Out of Business?

February 6, 2013 The State Times 0

Daniel Dougherty-Samowitz, Contributing Writer

Each year, college tuitions grow at astronomical rates, prompting high school students to question whether to further study a field of interest. The answer to the …

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A Message to the Beer Lovers

January 30, 2013 The State Times 0

Adam Lis, Columnist

Beer! Some people love it. The East Coast is known for it. Pennsylvania’s own Yuengling is America’s oldest brewery. Rolling Rock is another “big name beer” from …