
Review: Murder on the Orient Express

November 17, 2017 The State Times 0

Tom Capone | Film Reviewer

Kenneth Branagh directs and stars in the most recent adaptation of the Agatha Christie novel, “Murder on The Orient Express.” Unfortunately, this new adaptation does …


Kevin Spacey Sexual Assault Scandal

November 17, 2017 The State Times 0

Patrick McConnell | Contributing Writer

One’s sexual preference does not equate to sexual assault allegations; this is a fact that the general public should already be aware of.  Someone’s sexuality …


Disney Vs. The L.A. Times

November 17, 2017 The State Times 0

Julia Mirsky | Contributing Writer

The Walt Disney Company has not been “the happiest place on earth” these past few days due to a recently resolved feud with The Los


Grand Slam XVII

November 17, 2017 The State Times 0

Alexandria LaFlair | Staff Writer

November 8 marked the evening of the Grand Poetry Slam, where five contestants were chosen to represent SUNY Oneonta at the eighteenth annual College Union’s …


Thor: Ragnarok

November 10, 2017 The State Times 0

Thomas Capone | Contributing Writer

“Thor: Ragnarok” is the first great Thor film in the franchise, thanks to the film’s director Taika Waititi. While remaining consistent with the other Thor …


Review: Gerald’s Game

November 3, 2017 The State Times 0

Tom Capone | Contributing Writer

2017 has been the year of Stephen King movies. It has seen the release of both the first installment of “The Dark Tower,” and “IT,” …


Grand Opening: Mystic Black

October 27, 2017 The State Times 0

Alexandria LaFlair | Staff Writer

Art is more than seeing something cool and complex. Art tells a story, no matter what the piece is or tries to represent. October 16 …