Articles by The State Times

Cady Kuzmich. News Editor
Typically, a nation’s youth plays the role of the progressive wave of change, a catalyst, demanding higher standards of their government and of society. As protests …

Privacy: What If Siri Could Feel…?
Richie Feathers, Arts Editor
It had an entirely original script and a roster of mesmerizing actors, but what made “Her” such a celebrated film of 2013 was its achingly real …

Privacy: What Are We Truly Witnesses Of?
Richie Feathers, Arts Editor
Alt-rock pioneer Annie Clark just released her fourth solo album under the moniker St. Vincent–and it’s marvelous. Already garnering plenty of critical acclaim, the record mixes …

Smartphone Wars
Patrick Wolff, Staff Writer
In 2013, NSA contractor Edward Snowden released classified materials detailing the US governments Internet surveillance programs and their collection of US and European telephone data. The …

The Privacy Issue
Indiana Nash, Editor-in-chief
Each day, our generation is bombarded with opportunities. We constantly have the opportunity to share and document our every thought, every place we visit, every friend we’re …

Skype date with the NSA?
Technology News
Cady Kuzmich
News Editor
Turns out your video-calls may not be as private as you would hope. Skype and Yahoo video-chat, two popular video-chat services, have stirred up …

Security vs Liberty
National News
Staff Writer
Hope Costa
October 26, 2001, six weeks after the attacks on the World Trade Center, the USA Patriot Act was passed, bringing with it one of …

Going Meatless
Danielle Rennard, Culture Editor
I’ve always said that at some point in my life I would attempt to become a vegetarian. I’m pro-animal rights and have always been that girl …