Lara Murray-Sterzel, Staff Writer |
As the semester ends, students will be looking for a job. But it’s not easy in job searching, which is why the Career Development Center has the perfect sources to help narrow the search. The Center strongly encourages the use of LinkedIn and Handshake for students, especially for graduating seniors. Not many students are aware of how important these websites are, so the Center held a workshop where they discussed them in further detail.
On Tuesday, April 25, in Oneonta’s lecture hall, a short presentation was held by Sam Mosca, a Career Counselor, about ways to navigate websites and create a profile. In a slide show, she discussed how to showcase your profile with your resume, education, experiences, and skills to draw in employers. Mosca even displayed her own LinkedIn profile on the screen, pointing to gradually adding more to it over the years. She noted that you can form connections on LinkedIn with employees or alumni who work at a company you’re interested in. “Networking is very important. Part of getting your positions is the easiest way of getting a job. So, the more that we can tap into using LinkedIn and Handshake, the easier it is in staying in touch with people. I think it’s going to be very beneficial to students,” said Sam Mosca.
LinkedIn, Handshake, and the Career Development Center help students know where to fill the gaps on their resumes and what they need to do going forward. They also assist in students’ interests and career changes. “I usually recommend students start with these two platforms because they are pretty reliable, they have strong usage,” said Sam Mosca, “LinkedIn is going to be your industry standard and where you’re going to see a large volume of jobs, but you might see jobs that you’re necessarily qualified for right now. Only some of them you’re going to have accessibility to. Handshake, on the other hand, you might use it for a shorter period. Basically, while you’re here at school or while you’re a recent grad.”
According to Sam Mosca, Handshake has a 60 to 70 percent usage rate, while LinkedIn has become the highest-used platform in career development. Setting up an account on both websites is easy. The only thing that takes time is adjusting to the platform and getting your resume right because the profiles will be structured off your resume.
“I have had my LinkedIn since high school, and I did not really understand the value of LinkedIn at the time. Now I’m really starting to see it,” said Sam Mosca. Once she became more familiar with the website, she was able to learn more about the sources it provided to her. It makes her feel good knowing she has a place where she can get guidance and form valuable connections. If you
have any questions about LinkedIn and Handshake visit the Career Development Center at Hunt Union or email Sam Mosca at [email protected].
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