St. Oney’s Day Recap.

Alexa Huber

Brandon So, Staff Writer |

Traditionally, the Saturday following St. Patrick’s Day is observed as our community’s local holiday known as St. Oney’s Day. The event is celebrated by the student body of SUNY Oneonta and Hartwick College. The origins of St. Oney’s Day are not entirely known, but it’s believed to have started as a way for students to continue their St. Patrick’s Day celebrations. However, it has since evolved into its own unique event, complete with its own set of traditions and customs celebrated in different ways. 

Students celebrate by attending day parties and bar crawling throughout the day, popular traditions of St. Oney’s Day. Some of the most popular spots this year for drinks were: The Sip and Sail Tavern, Jimmy T’s, The Red Jug Pub, and Brew U’. Each bar was decked out with green and St. Patrick’s Day decorations. The students inside the bar displayed shamrock green necklaces, hats, shirts, and face paint celebrating the momentous St. Oney’s Day. 

Alexa Huber

As per food, Tino’s and Sal’s pizzerias were slammed throughout the day-long event serving up some of Oneonta’s best slices. Later that night, students were able to enjoy speedy eats at Gooch’s Mac Dog Truck and at Brew U’. Some bars and restaurants even elected to add green food coloring or offer limited-time food and drinks for the annual celebration. 

Ventre Woolery, a student at SUNY Oneonta described St. Oney’s Day as “a fun and crazy day, but I can’t remember what the best part was.” While St. Oney’s Day is a fun-filled celebration, it comes with its own controversies. In the past, the event has been detested by Oneonta locals because of its excessive drinking, rowdy behavior, and loud music that occurs. In response, local law enforcement has increased its presence, cracking down on underage drinking and disorderly conduct among students. Local law enforcement, with the help of the State Police, also ensures the roads are free of drunk or impaired drivers making the town safe for students and residents alike. 

Despite these challenges, St. Oney’s Day remains an integral part of the culture and community amongst the students at SUNY Oneonta and Hartwick College. St Oney’s Day brings the community closer and allows for new friendships and memories to be forged. With that being said, there are only 51 more weeks until St. Oney’s Day 2024! Are you feeling lucky? 

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