Kat DeNinis, Staff Writer |
With the beginning of the spring semester comes the start of the rush process for Greek organizations on SUNY Oneonta’s campus. Currently, there are over 20 sororities and fraternities that are recognized by SUNY Oneonta. According to the SUNY Oneonta web page regarding Greek life, these organizations must follow the college’s Code of Rights and Responsibilities for Greek Social Letter Organizations. Every recognized fraternity and sorority is supported by the Inter-Greek council, an elected board of members of Greek life as well as a representative from each organization.
If you’re feeling wary about joining a Greek organization because of movie and television portrayals, fear not. SUNY Oneonta has an Anti-Hazing Policy, which ensures that no recognized organization participates in such actions. According to Merriam-Webster, hazing is defined as an initiation process that primarily consists of humiliation and harassment. These acts can be reported by anyone by calling the confidential Hazing Hotline at (607) 436-2410. Hazing prevention is a serious matter that SUNY Oneonta makes a priority to address with their Greek organizations.
During the first few weeks of each semester, recognized organizations hold both on and off campus events to attract students into rushing them. In order to be eligible to rush a Greek organization, students must have acquired 12 or more credits at SUNY Oneonta and must have a 2.5 or above grade point average.
The first sorority to be recognized on SUNY Oneonta’s campus was Alpha Kappa Phi. Founded in 1892, this organization emphasizes strength, love and sisterhood. With over 60 active members, it has grown substantially over the past few years. According to the Alpha Kappa Phi creed, the main focus of their sorority is to “promote moral, intellectual, and democratic living among members of this organization and the college through membership and leadership in college activities.” Alpha Kappa Phi focuses their efforts on making sure every sister is constantly supporting one another both inside and outside of sorority matters. Their main philanthropies are the March of Dimes, which advocates for mothers and premature babies, and the National Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc., which uses over 80 percent of its spending on life-saving programs for those with breast cancer.
If you’re interested in rushing a fraternity or sorority next semester and want to know more about them, make sure to check out their Campus Connection pages. Set aside some time to meet with multiple organizations to know which one is the right fit for you!
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