Audrey Olney, Contributing Writer
The Harry Potter Club hosted their second Yule Ball on Friday March 8, making it an evening of true magical excitement. This celebration was held to commemorate the end of the Triwizard Tournament which in the novels is a magical competition between wizardry schools. Each house competed through a week of obstacles, mazes and trivia. This year’s winner was Slytherin and they were proudly recognized at the ball.

Yule Ball was a night filled with music, dancing, magical treats and activities including wand making, Herbology, Divination, owl crafts and a photobooth. Club members along with members of Alpha Phi Omega worked tirelessly at My Kitchen to provide witches and wizards with pumpkin pasties, spell cake pops, rock cakes, cauldron cakes, licorice wands, cockroach clusters and chocolate frogs. The biggest hit of the night was the mocktail bar. The bar tenders, Laura Ajaeb (Professor Snape) and Eileen Austin (Professor Slughorn) mixed together drinks like The Flaming Weasley, The Voldemort and The Moaning Myrtle.
This event was an absolute success. 185 witches and wizards attended this year’s Yule Ball. The club was able to raise about $700 for Oneonta’s Reading is Fundamental, which is an organization that promotes children’s literacy. and the club’s president, Sarah Vitro, stated that it is an absolute honor to see how this club has grown in just a year.
Be sure to check out the Harry Potter Club’s own Yule Ball Harlem Shake video coming soon on their Facebook page. If anyone is interested in joining the club, they meet Tuesdays at 8:00 p.m. in IRC 4.
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