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Current Issues

The Misleading Debate

October 24, 2012 Kate Koenig 0

Denis Krayets

On October 16, President Barack Obama and former Governor Mitt Romney met at Hofstra University for the second of three presidential debates. The first debate had taken place …

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Campus News

SUCO Embraces “Coming Out Month”

October 24, 2012 Kate Koenig 0

Kaylyn Boccia, Staff Writer

The leaves are changing, the air is cooling and people are coming out. October has been dubbed as Coming Out Month since 1994, with the inclusion …

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Current Issues

Battered Women Seek Jail Break

October 17, 2012 Kate Koenig 1

Brooke Edwards, Staff Writer

Domestic violence victim Brenda Clubine of California spent 26 years in prison for killing her husband. After surviving various beatings, Clubine defended her life when threatened …

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Current Issues

“Small” Gets a Little Bigger

October 12, 2012 Kate Koenig 0

Kaylyn Boccia, Staff Writer

   No longer will the members of the Oneonta community be forced to travel to Binghamton or Albany to purchase hunting supplies, sports gear and winter necessities. …

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Current Issues

Presidential Nominees Face-Off

October 12, 2012 Kate Koenig 0

Terrance McLeod, Staff Writer

   Last Wednesday, October 3, was the first of three presidential debates. It took place at the University of Denver and was mediated by Jim Lehrer, but …

Campus News

Fox Shot on SUCO Campus

September 27, 2012 Kate Koenig 14

Mike Bonanni, Staff Writer

   There has recently been an uproar on the SUNY Oneonta campus surrounding the death of a fox. On September 17, reports of University Police shooting a …

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Campus News

Congressional Candidate Visits Campus

September 21, 2012 Kate Koenig 0

Terrance McLeod, Staff Writer

   Last week, congressional candidate Dem. Julian Schreibman visited SUNY Oneonta as a part of his tour to see the educational programs of the SUNY schools in …

Campus News

Changes to the Cow Path

September 19, 2012 Kate Koenig 0

Mike Bonanni, Staff Writer

   Many students who take the Cow Path (or as the school officials refer to it, Golding Path) were surprised to find it undergoing some much needed …

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Current Issues

Mammograms: Prevention or Risk?

September 19, 2012 Kate Koenig 0

Kaylyn Boccia, Staff Writer

   Once a woman hits the age of 40, it is a must to begin mammogram scans on a yearly basis. We have continuously been told that …