‘Never Forget’
Ben Winters
Staff Writer
On the morning of September 11, 2001 at 8:46 a.m., the first hijacked plane hit the Twin Towers in the most heinous terrorist attack our …
Ben Winters
Staff Writer
On the morning of September 11, 2001 at 8:46 a.m., the first hijacked plane hit the Twin Towers in the most heinous terrorist attack our …
Danielle Rennard
Culture Editor
Sometimes there are a million things going on in life and it seems as if my head might explode from my non-stop, hectic schedule. Between jobs, …
This past week, I was invited by a friend to attend a party that she was hosting at her apartment. When I first got the text, I assumed …
Ryan Michel
Contributing Writer
As if the issue over the legalization of marijuana has not been debated enough already, another area of contention has been brought to the public’s attention …
Monica Dore, News Editor
There is a story about Marie-Antoinette heartlessly uttering, “Let them eat cake,” when told that her French subjects could not afford to have bread. Although historians …
Indiana Nash, Editor-in-Chief
Prior to attending college, I was under the impression that the experience would be akin to summer camp with a ton of work and sleepless nights thrown …
John Mahon, Contributing Writer
Did you know that the Supreme Court just reduced your voices and the voice of millions of other students in our democracy? They have opened the …
Afua Nuro, Staff Writer
“Look to your right and left side, these people that you see will most likely not be here when you graduate.” Those were the words that …
Ryan Michel, Contributing Writer
On April 19 it was announced that a large number of representatives in the Republican Party are now speaking out against the Common Core education standards, …
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