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National News

Afghanistan: The Final Stretch

April 17, 2013 The State Times 0

Cady Kuzmich, Columnist
Over 30,000 U.S. troops prepare to pull out of Afghanistan as the 2014 withdrawal approaches. In a White House Press Conference with Afghan President Karzai a few …

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National News

Droning On: Attempt to Filibuster

March 20, 2013 The State Times 2

Cady Kuzmich, Columnist
Republican Senator Rand Paul, son of the famous Ron Paul, held the senate floor for nearly 13 hours last Wednesday. The Kentucky Senator’s filibuster finally ended when …

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National News

Sequestration Frustration

March 13, 2013 The State Times 0

Cady Kuzmich, ColumnistCady
On Mar. 1, President Obama signed an executive order which, according to The Washington Post, even he thought was dumb. The executive order arbitrarily cut $85 billion …

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National News

Boy Scouts to Postpone Inclusion

February 13, 2013 The State Times 0

Afua Nuro, Staff Writer
Protesting Boy Scouts

   “Every day that the Boy Scouts of America delay action is another day that discrimination prevails,” said Human Rights Campaign President Chad Griffin. The Boy Scouts …

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National News

With Ban Lifted, Inclusive Military Ahead

February 6, 2013 The State Times 0

Brooke Edwards, Staff WriterWomen in Combat

   Since 1994, the Pentagon’s “Com- bat Exclusion Policy” has discrimi- nated against women who serve in America’s military. Defense Secre- tary Leon Panetta has removed the …