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Mister and Miss Oneonta

October 29, 2014 The State Times 0

Rebecca Pollard, Staff Writer

On Tuesday, October 21, the annual Mister and Miss Oneonta pageant, hosted by the Inter-Greek Council, took place in the Oneonta Hunt Ballroom from 7 to …

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Yoga vs. Western Exercise

October 29, 2014 The State Times 0

Ashok Kumar Malhotra, Faculty Columnist 

Students of yoga are usually curious about how to define or grasp the concept of health. In the West, the notion of health is intertwined …

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Haunted Castle Cake

October 8, 2014 Melissa Rosman 0

Ashley Rider-  Staff Writer

Halloween is in the air! This haunted castle cake is easy to make and a lot of fun for all ages, and would be great for …

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Zen Meditation in Fiji

October 8, 2014 Melissa Rosman 0

Ashok Kumar Malhotra- Faculty Columnist

After a long trip from Los Angeles to Honolulu, I landed in Nandi, Fiji.  I had only three days to explore this exotic island. I …

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NoiseTrade is a Win-Win

October 8, 2014 Melissa Rosman 0

Reilly Van Dyke- Staff Writer

Founded in May 2007, NoiseTrade is an online platform designed for musicians to help build an audience by giving away free music in exchange for …

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Practice, Practice, Practice

October 1, 2014 Melissa Rosman 0

Ashok Kumar Malhotra- Faculty Columnist

While teaching my class on yoga and meditation I emphasized that for maximum benefit, yoga/meditation exercises should be practiced for at least five to ten …

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The Rolling Jubilee

October 1, 2014 Melissa Rosman 0

Gemma Pinto- Staff Writer

In a perfect world, college students and their parents would not have to take out loans and the 99 percent wouldn’t be drowning in debt. Our …

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Why Eat Breakfast?

October 1, 2014 Melissa Rosman 0

Nicole Leote- Contributing Writer 

Breakfast is special enough to earn the title of most important meal of the day. It is too bad that breakfast is also the most frequently …

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Emma Watson Addresses the UN

October 1, 2014 Melissa Rosman 0

Reilly Van Dyke- Staff Writer

Actress Emma Watson, best known for her portrayal of Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter films, is branching into new territory. On Saturday, September 20 …