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Don’t Bomb That Test!

February 25, 2015 Melissa Rosman 0

Aliya Ladha- Contributing Writer

Do you study for hours and feel as though you get nowhere? Blank out on tests? Test anxiety is not an easy obstacle to overcome. However, …

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Gender Roles in Society

February 25, 2015 Melissa Rosman 0

Grace Carney- Staff Writer

In the United States, the moment a baby is born, it is not uncommon for the infant to be wrapped in a baby blue or pastel …

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“Natural” Foods

February 25, 2015 Melissa Rosman 0

 Julia Alexis- Contributing Writer

When you walk into a supermarket you are instantly faced with hundreds of choices, and for each food item you desire, there are dozens of variations. …

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February 25, 2015 Melissa Rosman 0

Aries: The girl of your dreams turns out to be a witch. Run… like, really fast.

Taurus: The internship you were supposed to have over the summer will fall through. …

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What is Crossfit?

February 25, 2015 Melissa Rosman 0

Tori Keegan- Staff Writer

Coach Greg Glassman was the first person to define fitness in a significant and  measurable way. He defined it as “that which optimizes fitness (constantly varied …