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Experiencing Reading Electronically

January 29, 2014 Melissa Rosman 0

Melissa Rosman– Staff Writer

Starting college in the 2000s, we have begun to see the transition from traditional texts to recently popular e-books. This electronic design may seem new …

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December 11, 2013 Melissa Rosman 0

Marielle GenovesiCulture Editor

Sagittarius: Standing under the mistletoe all night still won’t get you a kiss this holiday season.

Capricorn: Santa told me you’ve been so naughty this …

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Rebuilding the American Dream

December 11, 2013 Melissa Rosman 0

Monica DoreStaff Writer 


tinyhouseThe American dream usually goes as follows: loving parents and adoring children live in a big house on a big hill with a two …

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November 20, 2013 Melissa Rosman 0

Sagittarius: You have been unaware that you have been drinking coffee all week that is decaffeinated. So much for getting on that caffeine high.

Capricorn: No one wanted to hear …

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Know Your Bra

November 20, 2013 Melissa Rosman 0

Rebecca LongabuccoStaff Writer

 Push-up. Minimizing. Padded. Full-coverage. Strapless. Backless. Sports. Front-closure. Back-closure. Demi.
If you identify the above list as a random collection of oddly chosen words,
you’re …

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Would You Text and Drive?

November 20, 2013 Melissa Rosman 0

Danielle Rennard, Culture Editor

It’s becoming harder and harder for people to unglue their eyes from their phones and stop their thumbs from frantically tapping letters on that small rectangular …

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College Hookup Culture

November 13, 2013 Melissa Rosman 0


In an environment filled with open minds, the influence of drugs, pressure from the media and young people who have only recently reached an age of sexual …