
Then & Now: Sex In Film

April 18, 2017 The State Times 0

Rory Murray, Staff Writer |

Most people out there have probably seen a movie that contains a non-explicit sex scene. The camera pans away to the curtains just as the …


“Logan”: A Change of Pace for X-Men

March 21, 2017 The State Times 1

Derek Dimino, Staff Writer |


A deep interpretation of the demise of Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine, “Logan” displayed the extreme vulnerability and ultimate evolution of the inner motivations of …


Lego Batman: For Grown-Ups Too

February 21, 2017 The State Times 0

Staff Writer, David Anderson |

The Lego Batman Movie opens with Batman breaking the fourth wall. As the Warner Bros. Logo slowly emerges on the screen in shades of dark …