Super Bowl Ad. Rankings

Super Bowl Advertisement via Haagen Dazs
AD Meter - USA Today

Maeve Bidonde, Staff Writer

While the Super Bowl brings a nail biting football game and parties for fans to enjoy, it also brings special advertisements that companies put together just for the big game. Some of those advertisements hit the mark and others miss it by miles. Consider this a top five ranking of the 2025 Super Bowl advertisements. 

Claiming spot number 5 according to Billboard is the ad for Häagen-Dazs. The ad featured the “Fast & Furious” franchise with Vin Diesel and Michelle Rodriguez on a joyride down a highway enjoying a bar of ice cream. Ludacris also made an appearance from a Jeep without an ice cream bar and he is judging Diesel and Rodriguez for their lack of speed. The ad plays on the viewers nostalgia for “Fast & Furious” as a way to convince them to go out and buy some ice cream bars. 

Spot number 4 on the list according to Forbes is Lay’s with their ad “The Little Farmer.” The ad resonated well with AdMeter respondents who ranked the ad as #2 as well as Kellogg School MBAs who gave the ad an A. The ad was designed as a tribute to American farmers and had a family from Wisconsin who own a farm front and center in the ad. The ad is designed to show the origins of potatoes used in Lay’s Potato chips. The potatoes used in Lay’s chips come from U.S farms.

According to USA Today and their AdMeter the number 3 spot goes to the ad for Michelob Ultra. The ad featured William DeFoe and Catherine O’Hara playing couples Pickleball against others for their Michelob Ultras. The ad shows DeFoe and O’Hara winning game after game just for the beer. The ad closes out with the tagline “Superior is worth playing for.” The ad is designed to show that Michelob Ultra is superior to all other beer brands. 

The New York Times hands spot number 2 over to the Nike Ad. The ad stars Sha’Carri Richardson and Caitlin Clark in a black and white shoot. The ad is targeted to women to do exactly what others tell them they can’t do. The voice over says phrases like “You can’t be emotional so be emotional” and “You can’t fill a stadium so fill that stadium.” The ad is designed to be empowering and inspiring for women athletes while convincing them to use Nike products. What makes the ad remarkable is that this was the first Super Bowl ad Nike has published since 1998. 

Spot number 1 and the winner of the best Super Bowl ad  according to USA Today and their AdMeter goes to Budweiser and their iconic Clydesdales. The ad was titled “First Delivery” featuring a Clydesdale foal being told he is too young to deliver kegs of beer to bars. He takes matter into his own hooves and delivers a keg to a bar in a city. The ad shows the foals journey to the bar with the keg. The foal enters the bar as a customer begins to tell a joke starting with “A horse walks into a bar” and the customer trails off when the foal comes in. The ad tugs on your heart strings with the foal being determined to deliver the keg after being told he was too young to do so. 

Who knows what will take the top five spots next year when the Super Bowl rolls around again. Until then, here are the top five Super Bowl ads from 2025. 

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