Lara Murray-Sterzel, Staff Writer |
On Monday, Feb. 6 to Friday Feb. 10, SUNY Oneonta held its annual Art and Poster Sale. The poster sale took place in the International Lounge at Hunt Union from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. When news broke out, students came pouring into Hunt Union. I got to sit down with the woman behind these amazing poster displays, Christie Cassel. “We come to many schools once a semester but this school we actually come to twice,” said Cassel. “So, we have a second sale at the beginning of the winter semester.” To Cassel, it’s different than when you go to a record store, where maybe there are only a handful of different posters to choose from. “We have a pretty expensive collection, the biggest I’ve ever seen,” she said. “It’s different than when you go to a record store, maybe there’s twelve or fifteen different posters to choose from. We have an expensive collection, the biggest I’ve ever seen,” said Cassel.
With many displays featuring notable members of pop culture, from the cast of FRIENDS to the likes of The Weeknd. Harry Styles, or classic media such as Casablanca, it was impossible to leave empty-handed. When Cassel was asked how she felt about including the older posters with the new ones, she felt that people were still looking for the classics saying, “I think that the classic posters like the Beatles and Bob Marley are what draw people in. But they’re just there to be a part of the tradition, they’ve been in the collection for a long time. A lot of times people are buying those posters as gifts for their parents, but then it becomes so nostalgic.” It is indeed with this collection of nostalgia flicks, pop culture icons, and new additions welcomed every fall that makes Cassel’s poster sale a year-round staple on campus.
Cassel later said she finds in-person poster sales more important than online shopping because it’s cheaper and it can help people actually get what they’re looking for. Cassel said they can find posters of any size or can cut a poster down to their liking. Cassel also talked about embracing future art, like aesthetic wallpaper images from social media. “You can’t just separate the digital world from the physical one at this point. I think people always love the visual experience of a real poster. Especially with their different thicknesses and different textures.” If you’re interested in learning more about their posters go to their website at www.postersale.com
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