Chelsea Sookra, Staff Writer |
On Wednesday, Oct. 13th, The Student Association held a discussion on being safe in regards to COVID around Halloween. Gabby Cecere, SA President, and Bill Harcleroad, Director of Campus Activities and Leadership, held an online discussion to talk about things to do to be safe on Halloween and encouraged student discussion and questions.
The discussion began with talking about upcoming campus events in October to excite students about what’s going on. On Sunday, Oct. 17th, there was the Fall Foliage Hike on Gertrude’s Nose Trail. On Monday, Oct. 18th, Dashka Slater, author of The 57 Bus, SUNY Oneonta’s Common Read book of the semester, came in for a Q&A.
If you haven’t read The 57 Bus, Bill highly recommends you do. The 57 Bus tells the true story of teen Sasha being burned while on the bus with fellow teen Richard. Richard decided to play a joke on Sasha and set a tiny flame to their skirt while they were asleep. Unbeknownst to Richard, the tiny flame turned into something more, drastically changing the course of both of their lives.
If you’re looking for fun off-campus, there’s plenty to do! You can go take a hike at college camp, go on a boat tour, go apple picking, hang out at Oneonta sports park, and find events at Destination Oneonta.
Gabby and Bill discussed the current COVID rates. Things are going well, numbers are good, and most students are vaccinated. There are no predictions for another shutdown and Bill is thankful for that. We don’t want to repeat the Spring 2019 to Fall 2020 semesters where we all had to go home and take our classes online. Us being on campus is courtesy of students that don’t have exemptions getting vaccinated.
We must still be cautious. A surge in numbers is predicted after Halloween weekend. Given the nature of Halloween, it is considered “lame” to not go out and party. Don’t let the judgment get to you! It is better to stay in your bubble of friends than go out and risk getting yourself and others sick.
Gabby and Bill aren’t going out on Halloween weekend! Gabby is hanging with her small group of friends carving pumpkins and encouraged others to do the same.
Halloween weekend is a fun time but don’t let peer pressure get to you! There will be other Halloweens where COVID isn’t a threat. The Delta variant is still around so remember to wear your mask, sanitize, and try not to be in large groups. This Halloween may not be as fun as past ones but fun doesn’t always mean going to parties! Fun can be eating candy with your roommates, carving pumpkins, watching Halloween movies, or dressing up.
Stay safe this Halloween weekend, Red Dragons! A surge is predicted but let’s beat that prediction and keep the numbers stable! A surge doesn’t mean a shutdown, but who wants to get sick this Halloween?
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