Andrew Dawson, Contributing Writer |
Last weekend Cooperstown hosted its annual Cooperstown Candlelight Ghost Tours. The tours were held in Pioneer Park, located at the corner of Main Street and Pioneer Street. Cooperstown Candlelight Ghost Tours gives you the opportunity to learn more about the haunted history of Cooperstown, NY. The tours showed visitors the haunted houses in Cooperstown and ghostly sightings in the area. All tours were one hour and fifteen minutes long and reservations were required.
Originally founded by William Cooper in 1786, Cooperstown is a small area that is filled with numerous ghost stories, both old and recent. The Cooperstown Candlelight Ghost Tours’ first stop was the National Baseball Hall of Fame and then Christ Church Graveyard. The graveyard is said to be haunted every midnight by the Coopers and their servants. The tours lead you to three haunted houses known as Byberry Cottage, Greencrest and Pomeroy Place. Each of these houses was once owned by the Cooper family, and they all remain allegedly haunted to this day. The tours will end at Otsego Lake, also known as “The Haunted Lake.” There is also a stop at Hyde Hall, a 200-year-old building that is said to be haunted by the British Clarke family.
All locations of the tour were identified by the Ghost Hunters in their 2013 Halloween special which aired on the Syfy Network. According to Hyde Hall Executive Director Johnathan Maney, “the Ghost Hunters producers saved this episode for their Halloween episode. The best slot in their series. It’s that good.” In the episode, you learn about the widow’s curse, deaths at Hyde Hall, and haunted stories of secret tunnels that run underneath Cooperstown.
The Cooperstown Candlelight Ghost Tours have promoted their company through reviews from those who attended the haunted tours. One person described the event as “a great ghost tour with the history of Cooperstown. Attendee Stephen Gramm said, “You won’t be disappointed with the stories provided as you tour the local cemetery, haunted houses and church. I highly recommend this tour to anyone who is visiting Cooperstown, New York.” The only negative feedback from the reviews is you cannot take pictures or enter some of the buildings on the tour. The tour guides announced multiple buildings would not be accessible during the tours. A resident of Cooperstown, Brian D. said, “Don’t miss out on this tour if you are in Cooperstown. The tour focuses on the spiritual side of fame in Cooperstown. Founded by the Cooper family, Cooperstown has enough history to fill up an entire TMZ episode. Tours last about an hour, but time will fly by. I highly recommend this tour to anyone in the Cooperstown area.”
The Cooperstown Candlelight Ghost Tours are family friendly tours that teach you about the ghosts who haunt the village of Cooperstown. The price of the tours are 15 dollars for adults, 10 dollars for children ages six to twelve and free admission for children under the age of five.
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