Alexandria LaFlair | Staff Writer
Did you know that Oneonta holds not one, but two art galleries in the Fine Arts building? The first, across from the Hamblin Theatre, is the Martin-Mullen Art Gallery. The second, by the entrance of the art wing, is the Project Space Gallery. Both are bright open spaces that showcase different artists, including SUNY Oneonta students’ pieces, and they change scenes roughly twice a semester. The galleries are free for everyone and are open 11am-3pm during the work week.
Currently, the Martin-Mullen Gallery displays the work of Nancy Callahan, featuring her project, “Games Without Rules.”
If you walk into the gallery, to the right is a completely black and white bedroom scene, telling a story through writings on the walls, floors, and items in the room. This exhibit is called “Must You Eat Crackers in Bed?” Walk straight back and you’ll see painted, printed, and drawn art pieces hung on the walls, full of color and wonder. The whole room is full of classic childhood games and other nostalgic items that have been turned into beautiful, complex works of art. Callahan’s work will be featured until October 20.
In Project Space, the recipients of the Jean Parish Memorial Scholarship of 2016-2017 are displayed in a project titled “Student Recipient Exhibition.” The six students’ pieces each tell a different story. “Summer in New York,” created by Jessica Tyler, showcases photographs of the city, focusing specifically on people living their everyday lives there.
In an interview with Megan Jansen, one of the awarded artists, she stated that the process for applying is like any other award application. She was required to provide professor recommendations and a power point that showcases your greatest works to date. After the award is granted, the artist has the liberty to use the money to create the pieces that will eventually be on display in the gallery.
“The theme that I was toying with for the scholarship exhibition was the differences between humans and animals, the most significant being the ability to engage in self-reflection… I want my pieces to make you think,” Jansen explained.
Megan Jansen’s pieces do, in fact, intrigue the mind, with different animals engaging in human-like activities. She continued, “…not having to stress over rent and material costs for the semester made all the difference in the effort I was able to put into my academic success.”
It’s a great honor and opportunity for students, especially in a competitive field such as art. The students’ gallery will be open until October 6. Don’t forget to check them out, and stay updated on what’s to come for the winter!
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