Being Fit Also Means Eating Right

Tori Keegan- Contributing Writer

Exercising is only half the battle when it comes to supporting a healthy lifestyle. What we put in our bodies everyday affects us too. We all have heard this before, but why not try to add it into our daily lives? Whether you are looking to be healthier or really trying to up your “gains, bro,” the right foods can help.
When it comes to calories and keeping a constant weight, the calories you eat have to match what your body is using, so make them count. If you’re looking to lose weight, you would be surprised how little calories there are in vegetables. If you’re looking to gain weight, you have to increase your calories, pretty simple. Why not try doing this the healthy way?
You can eat one cup of cooked vegetables or two cups raw for only 50 calories, or one cup of pretzels for 100 calories. This can reduce risk for heart disease, including heart attack and stroke and provide potassium, dietary fiber, folate (folic acid), vitamin A, and vitamin C. Vegetables are a great way to be able to eat twice the size portions for the same calories as some junk foods. So if you’re at the dining halls, why not go to the salad bar? If you’re off campus and feel like being lazy just throw a simple salad together with your favorite dressing.
What about proteins? Chicken is both low in fat and function as building blocks for bones, muscles, cartilage, skin and blood. It is a building block for enzymes, hormones and vitamins. This helps you rebuild those muscles after the gym and you can cook  chicken in so many different ways to help prevent getting sick of it.
Fish is also a great option because it lowers your chance of heart disease and helps lower cholesterol. Seafood contains omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA and you should be eating about eight ounces per week of a variety of seafood to prevent heart disease. Omegas will also keep your brain healthy to help you fight the stress of school.
Carbohydrates are also really important and are the body’s preferred source of energy. Adding whole grains will help you get the full nutrients you need and are sources of magnesium and selenium. Magnesium is used in the formation of bone and helps release energy from muscles. Selenium is important for the immune system to work properly.
Adding variety into your diet allows you to ensure that you are getting all the nutrients your body needs to function. If you can, try to create new recipes or just get creative in your food combinations. Remember simply that everything is fine to eat as long as it is in moderation. Nothing wrong with eating a  hamburger or a piece of cake, as long as you’re not eating it every day.


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