Gemma Pinto, Staff Writer
If you’re an avid Twitter user or a college student, you’ve probably made it a point to follow the funny college student accounts, and the “Oneonta Problem” accounts. If this is the case, you’re probably equally guilty of following the most recently talked about account: @SUNYPartyStories. Not only are there tweets about the struggles of being a college student or complaints about the OPT system, but now there are tweets about the social lives of SUNY students. How does the Twitter account work and who helps the account thrive?
It is an anonymously authored account, known to be run by a SUNY student of an unknown gender. The account posts pictures submitted from students of every SUNY at their worst, most candid moments during parties or drunken nights.
SUNY Party Stories exposes individuals caught in the act: whether it’s throwing up, passing out or in a bathroom having sex.
Not only does SUNY Party Stories publish vividly explicit pictures, but they also choose “winners.” To win means that your university has to have the “best” photo submission, usually pertaining to sexual or dangerous acts. The Twitter account also links you to the person who submitted the photo, leaving you to know the culprit who exposed the individual. These students are being caught on camera while intoxicated and their actions are being broadcast to social media by their peers via Twitter.
When asked what she thought of the account, Oneonta junior, Kelly Spencer said, “People shouldn’t have to calculate every step they take out in public simply because someone could take a picture of them, without their consent, and plaster it all over the internet.”
Many are quick to judge other universities, claiming they’re “disgusting” and “trashy,” such as the signs displayed on houses at Cortica this past weekend. According to the photos on the account, SUNY Oneonta is being portrayed in the same way, with the school being “rewarded” for its students’ indecency and drunken behavior, having “won” two weeks in a row.
The two winners of the SUNY Party Stories contests were: a photo of a male student who urinated all over himself and a group of guys who dressed up as sperm for their Halloween costumes. To some students these photos may seem harmless in the grand scheme of things. But these photos potentially could diminish the integrity of SUNY schools and their student populations, due to their explicit content. The actions of very few have been hurting the schools’ and their students’ reputations in the process due to the far reaching power of social media.
Students have been very vocal with their opinion of this account. At this time there have been no comments made by SUNY Oneonta administrators regarding SUNY Party Stories.
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