Kainat Malik, Director of Public Relations and Communications for the SA
Your Student Association Executive Council is thrilled to represent the student body. With fresh new faces, a new SA logo, and a new outlook, we hope to kick the year off on the right foot! The entire executive council has been working hard all summer to make our school the best it can be. We all hope to convey the voice of our student body in the best way possible and to ensure that we have a smooth year ahead of us!
The executive council is comprised of the executive board and five directors. Since the executive board was announced when they took office, this article will primarily focus on the five directors who were appointed at the end of the spring semester.
Jaimie Ravit, a senior studying dietetics, was elected as the director of campus services this past spring. As the director of campus services, Jaimie hopes to “help make what students want to see, on this campus, a reality.” Jaimie has been working with OAS to get all the washers in old residence halls replaced, installed d-text in dining halls and has added another Hertz hybrid car for students to use.
Liz White was elected as the director of college operations for this school year. Liz is currently a senior majoring in music industry and mass communications. This is her second year serving as the director of college operations so she is absolutely thrilled to be continuing with her position. Director White has been working with university police, facilities and maintenance to improve parking conditions. Liz has worked to improve the safety of campus insuring lights and blue lights are working, advertising the safety escort system and safety of campus in general.
John Myron, also a senior, was elected as the director of external affairs, which means he deals with all things SUNY. He is studying criminal justice with a minor in sociology. Director Myron has already taken an initiative in making our campus a better and more informed environment. He is currently working on creating a mock trial about the presidential election and has been working hard on getting students registered to vote.
Kainat Malik, a sophomore studying business economics, is the director of communications and public relations. Over the summer, she created a video that discussed what the student association is all about. The video was played during freshmen orientation and is accessible through Youtube. She has also worked on flyers, stands and banners for the Student Association and is thrilled to serve as a director.
Sam Zinke, also a sophomore, is the director of pride and tradition. She is majoring in psychology and is more than excited to serve as your director. Sam did a great job planning “Red Day” and puts on events, among other things, in order to keep up our red dragon pride. Her goal is to get as many students together to “celebrate the amazing school we go to, and also to remind everyone of everything we’ve done in the past, and how it affects us in the present as well as the future.”
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