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Local News

Teachout Visits Oneonta

September 3, 2014 The State Times 0

Cady Sharp Kuzmich, Editor-in-Chief

Fordham law professor, Zephyr Teachout, is giving incumbent Gov. Andrew Cuomo a run for
his money in the upcoming Democratic primary which will take place on …

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Free Labor at a Price

September 3, 2014 The State Times 0

Kelly Spencer, Copy Editor

With summer coming to a close, bank balances are being vigilantly checked to see if that summer job waiting tables earned enough to foot the bill …

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National News

Supreme Court Hears Ohio Campaign Case

April 30, 2014 The State Times 0

Ben Winters, Staff Writer

On April 22, an Ohio law that criminalizes misinformation in political campaigns was brought to the Supreme Court. In 2010, Democrat Steve Driehaus ran for re-election …

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National News

Northeast Heroin Epidemic

April 30, 2014 The State Times 0

Monica Dore, Copy-Editor


In early January, Vermont Governor Peter Shumlin dedicated the entirety of his annual State of the State address to what was then a little known problem—the growing …

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Health Benefits of Eggs

April 23, 2014 The State Times 0

Kayla Slater, Nutrition Columnist

If you celebrated Easter this past weekend, you most likely colored or ate eggs. Unlike many conceptions of eggs, they actually have many health benefits. These …