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Campus News

Bridging The Gap: Professor Sallie Han

February 6, 2013 The State Times 0

Tracey Cheek, Contributing Writer

   Here at SUNY Oneonta, there is a wide range of fields of study. One field that is particularly intriguing to students is anthropology. Anthropology has several …

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Local News

SUCO Funk Band to Perform

February 6, 2013 The State Times 0

Alex Fredkin,Arts Editor

   On February 12, the SUCO Funk band is set to perform their first show of the new semester at the brand new B Side Ballroom. The Funk …

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National News

With Ban Lifted, Inclusive Military Ahead

February 6, 2013 The State Times 0

Brooke Edwards, Staff WriterWomen in Combat

   Since 1994, the Pentagon’s “Com- bat Exclusion Policy” has discrimi- nated against women who serve in America’s military. Defense Secre- tary Leon Panetta has removed the …

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Painkillers for Lunch

February 6, 2013 The State Times 0

Danielle Rennard, Staff Writer

This past Friday, the Food and Drug Administration voted to strengthen the restrictions on painkillers such as Vicodin, which is the most widely prescribed drug in …