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National News

Nevada School Shooting

October 30, 2013 The State Times 0

Afua Nuro, Staff Writer
Sparks Middle School in Nevada is now a part of the long list of schools that have experienced a shooting across the United States. Twelve-year-old Jose …

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The End of The Road

October 9, 2013 The State Times 0

Cady Kuzmich, News Editor
The government wasn’t the only thing to shut down last week. Silk Road, the so-called “E-Bay of illegal drugs,” has been officially stomped out. The popular …

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Have We Lost the Drug War?

October 9, 2013 The State Times 0

Ryan Hendrickson, Staff Writer
Drug WarAccording to the United Nations, due to increasing demand, the global drug trade is now a four hundred billion dollar a year industry. With so much …

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Hope After Decades of Rough Relations

October 2, 2013 The State Times 0

World News
Ryan Hendrickson, Staff writer

U.S and Iran

In 1953, the democratically elected government of Iran was overthrown in a military takeover. After the military took control, a new constitution was declared …

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National News

The New Normal

October 2, 2013 The State Times 0

National News
Kimberly Wakefield, Staff Writer

Obama speech

President Obama recently spoke about the “new normal” our country has sadly come to accept. Just what is the “new normal” Obama is bringing …

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National News

Obamacare: A Medical Drama in the Making

October 2, 2013 The State Times 0

National News
Monica Dore, Staff writer


The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was passed in the spring of 2010 by an optimistic President and democrat-controlled legislature. Known more commonly …

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The Tablet Craze

October 2, 2013 The State Times 0

Technology News
Daniella Sannuti, Contributing writer


Whether it is making a cell phone into a handheld computer or a tablet that replaces hardcover books, advancements in technology seem to be …

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Campus News

Bridging the Gap: with Dr. Heilveil

October 2, 2013 The State Times 0

Campus News
Amanda Losardo, Contributing writer


Dr. Jeffrey Heilveil’s door is always open to students interested in broadening their knowledge of biology (and 15 century cuisine). Originally from Anarbor, Michigan, …

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Dancing With Death

October 2, 2013 Melissa Rosman 0

Monica Dore, Staff Writer

Last Wednesday night,  SUNY Oneonta held a lecture, “Dancing With Death” featuring Dr. O. Hugo Benavides. Benavides is an associate professor of anthropology and a director …

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National News

America Unchanged

September 25, 2013 The State Times 0

National News
Maggie Burlison, Staff writer

Miss America winner Nina Davuluri

“She’s beauty and she’s grace…she’s Miss United States.” Nina Davuluri is an Indian-American from Syracuse, New York, who recently won the title as Miss …