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Current Issues

The Misleading Debate

October 24, 2012 Kate Koenig 0

Denis Krayets

On October 16, President Barack Obama and former Governor Mitt Romney met at Hofstra University for the second of three presidential debates. The first debate had taken place …

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Current Issues

Presidential Nominees Face-Off

October 12, 2012 Kate Koenig 0

Terrance McLeod, Staff Writer

   Last Wednesday, October 3, was the first of three presidential debates. It took place at the University of Denver and was mediated by Jim Lehrer, but …

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Current Issues

Political Nominee Profiles

September 19, 2012 Kate Koenig 0

Afua Nuro, Staff Writer

   It’s election season! November 6 is the date in which all Americans have the right to go out and vote. It may seem like a long …

Current Issues

Foreign Policy Takes Campaign Spotlight

September 19, 2012 Kate Koenig 0

Terrance McLeod, Staff Writer

   With the crisis going on in North Africa surrounding the anti-Islamic video and embassy bombings, President Obama and Mitt Romney took some time to discuss foreign …

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National News

Santorum Emerges as Romney Alternative

March 6, 2012 Kate Koenig 0

Kayla Whitaker, Staff Writer

   As November gets closer, the presidential candidates are pulling out all the stops to give their campaigns a leg up on the competition. Rick Santorum has …

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National News

Google Unveils Techno-Glasses

March 6, 2012 Kate Koenig 0

Tara Miner, Staff Writer

   Imagine a future in which, instead of turning on your smartphone when you’re walking to class or on the bus to work, you can simply put …

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National News

SUCO Students Protest Pipeline

November 28, 2011 Kate Koenig 0

Gregory Talamini, Contributing Writer

Keystone XL is the name given to the proposed expansion of the already existing Keystone Pipeline, which became operational in 2010. The Keystone Pipeline system was …