Short N Sweet Album Review


Ariana Mehmeti

Former Disney Channel star and pop star Sabrina Carpenter has released her sixth studio album, “Short n’ Sweet.” If you thought her fifth album “Emails I Can’t Send” was amazing, wait until you listen to this new album. “Short n’ Sweet” definitely has its own unique and amazing beat! The album has her signature pop sound but also hints of country and folk in some of her songs. This album is for all of the people who dealt with a situationship and are still not over it. 

Track 1: Taste

“Taste” is a catchy, petty, and a hint of queer coded song. The song is about a man leaving Sabrina to get back with his ex-girlfriend. Yet, Carpenter is telling the girlfriend that it doesn’t matter that she has him back because everytime she kisses, holds, or around him she will think about her non-stop. It’s been speculated that the song is about Shawn Mendes leaving Carpenter to get back with his ex-girlfriend, Camila Cabello. With its catchy lyrics, upbeat instrumental, and the tone it really makes an addicting song. 

Rating: 10/10

Track 3: Good Graces

This song is for all the girls that love really hard but once that relationship is over, it’s no longer on your mind. This song shares parallels to Ariana Grande’s style, especially in its beats and lyrics. The song isn’t my favorite from the album, but it’s still catchy.

Rating: 8/10

Track 4: Sharpest Tool

This song is about everyone who has dealt with a relationship (or more specifically a situationship) that has no communication whatsoever and has left you feeling like you wasted your time on someone. This song is by far my favorite because of its tone and its guitar.


Track 5: Coincidence

This song is a part two to Track 4 and is more petty than it is sad. Carpenter is mocking her ex by ending up with their ex-girlfriend again and leaving her. This is another favorite of mine, subtly having a country song feel to it in the beginning which makes it flow really well.

Rating: 11/10

Track 6: Bed Chem

This song is shamelessly about presumably Barry Keoghen and how he does everything right in bed. This song is sexy, and has all the Barry Keoghan stans crying and throwing up in the background.

Rating: 10/10

Track 8: Dumb and Poetic

This song has a folky sad vibe to it making fun of all the hipster cool boys that drive girls in with their cheesy poetry pickup lines and self-help books. Sabrina Carpenter is going to do one thing  and it is going to have great lyrics.

Rating: 9/10

Track 9: SLim Pickins

This song is the most country out of the whole album. This is honestly for every girl ever who felt like she was settling because there is no perfect guy out there for her because all there are are dumb boys that make us feel good for a second and leave.

Rating 10/10

Track 10: Juno

This song is like Bed Chem’s sister. It meets all the makings to a great song. Catchy, rhythm, beat, and creative. 

Rating: 9/10

Track 11: Lie to Girls

This song is about a girl who lied to herself about a boy they wanted. An awful yet real situation girls find themselves in. Carpenter breaks down why that is in her song.  

Rating: 8/10

Track 12: Don’t Smile

This song was the best way to end the album. It’s about Carpenter expressing her sadness for the relationship ending but tries to make herself feel better by saying, “No, you should cry because you lost me.” The song goes a little back and forth in understanding the depths of her heartbreak. 

Rating: 11/10

This album overall was amazing! This album is sexy, sad, and relatable which are the undertones of Sabrina Carpenter’s most popular albums. Be sure to check out “Short n’ Sweet” yourself and enter into a new era of Sabrina Carpenter music.

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