Ariana Mehmeti, Staff Writer
Fantasy Football is an extremely popular thing that many people engage in nationwide. People usually gamble with these games, which adds another intensity factor to the football lineups. Usually, you will lose money or a bet if you place last in fantasy football. But sometimes the punishment for coming in last is more than just losing a couple of bucks. There are many instances such as staying 24 hours in a McDonald’s, the only way you can get out is by eating the entire menu. Or getting a tattoo or piercing of the fantasy football league’s choice. Placing last in your fantasy football league is probably one of the worst things you can do to yourself, because of the punishments that come with it. Here are some of the worst cases that have been reported.
First is tomatoes/paintball guns/super soaker barrage. This punishment is self-explanatory, the person who placed last in fantasy football gets pelted with a paintball gun (or the other assortment of things previously mentioned). There is one story where a man was forced to run in the woods while the rest of his league hunted him down and shot him with a paintball gun. Paintball bruises take a while to heal, and they hurt. This punishment results in the loser being physically abused to lose a fantasy football league.
Second, there is the punishment where the person who played last must stand up at a packed comedy club with only jokes the league makes. So essentially, the loser is going to be reading off terrible jokes that the rest of his league writes for him without knowing what he could be saying.
Third is being put in a dog cage, and everyone in the league takes turns to pour anything they want on the loser. It could be ketchup, water, or even bugs or feces. Not only could they pour whatever they wanted on the loser, but that person must sit in the cage for half an hour and let everything sit on them until they could get up and leave the cage. These dog cages are locked from the outside, which means another member of the league must be the one to let them out.
Fourth is a punishment where the man who places last in the fantasy football league, must legally change his gender to a woman for a full year and during that time he must sign up for classes at his local community college and must try out for the woman’s basketball or tennis team and if he gets on the team he must play out the full sports season. Not only does this man have to legally change his gender to a woman for a full year, but he also must take time out of his day to go to class at community college and join a sports team.
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