Ariana Mehmeti, Staff Writer
On Wednesday, April 17th, 2024, yoga was hosted by instructor Alyx. This yoga session was supposed to be held by the pond outside of Hunt Union, but due to the rain, it was moved inside the building. When I arrived, I already felt instantly relaxed due to the calm meditation music in the background and the calming affirmations the instructor kept repeating. The instructor, Alyx, first had the group take deep breaths and meditate for a moment before starting the yoga routine. Certain things she had said were, “Connect to the space; connect to yourself. Let go of any tension, take a deep inhalation, and try to extend through your spine. Connect with the breath.” I took a look at everyone in the room and saw how calm and Zen they felt.
The instructor then continued to tell the group, “Let go of the exterior world and any distractions.” and “Feel free to sigh out.” The instructor then told everyone to take deep breaths in and out and start to do slow circular shoulder motions. I noticed that there were many newcomers going into yoga and many who are used to the routine and already know what to do.
I really enjoyed this environment, and even though I personally did not join in the yoga, I wish I had put on leggings instead of jeans because I should’ve been a part of it due to the calming and inclusive atmosphere. I really feel like it would’ve also helped with the stress and anxiety that are going through my head 24/7. It was a refreshing environment to be in, especially after a stressful week of tests and projects. I understand why people would want to go to yoga. Some people go for their mental health; some even go just because they enjoy it.
I then asked two students what the reasons were for going to yoga and if it helped at all. Lara Murray-Sterzel said that she goes to yoga because it helps her with her mental health and helps her settle into all the things happening that week. Maeve Bidonde said that she goes to yoga often because it is very relaxing and helps with the pain she gets from her scoliosis. It helps her cope with the scoliosis and lessens the pain. If you would also like to join yoga, there are classes constantly listed on the Corq app, listing the specific days and times they have.
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