Riley Peru, Sports Editor
“The more color on your plate, the more fuel in your tank.” This is a quote from Oneonta Alumni, Graham Meglino when he presented it to the students earlier this month. His whole goal is simple, promote healthy food habits in simple and effective ways. Meglinos goal is to inform students about plant based nutrition and how beneficial it can be to not only student athletes but to anyone who wants to obtain a healthy lifestyle.
College is hard in many ways, and it is extremely easy to fall into bad diet habits. The challenging part, finding where to even begin. It may seem intimidating, but it starts with small changes that are so simple and easy to maintain.
Meglinos advice is to start small, and build your way up. Start by including fruits and vegetables with every meal any chance you get. It doesn’t have to be a big amount, just enough to get the ball rolling. Once you start that, you can begin to incorporate other foods with meals. Begin swapping potato chips with a different alternative, like kale chips or apples slices with peanut butter.
Once you start small, it becomes easier to include foods in their most natural form into your diet. The whole concept of “The more color on your plate, the more fuel in your tank” is taken from this concept! Meglinos best advice is to include fruits, vegetables, and other healthy foods in their most natural state in order to obtain more energy and better physical health. The more colorful foods you incorporate, the better for your health!
He is speaking from experience. During his high school years, he was an active member of his school’s lacrosse team. He noticed that he was never consistently performing his best although he was following what a healthy lifestyle appeared to him. He did his own research, and began implementing these recipes into his diet. He began to see massive changes in his athletic performance, and overall noticed a peak in his energy. Ever since he made these changes, he has never looked back. Now he wants to share his knowledge with students in hopes they will begin to start their own healthy lifestyles.
From speaking with Meglino and looking into his recipe book and advice, it was extremely easy to follow. I could see just how simple it would be to start implementing these small changes into my everyday life. He was extremely passionate about this topic and wants to help as many people as he can and it is obvious when he speaks. Meglino is a consistent content creator whose goal is to reach anyone who will listen, and his advice is extremely helpful. Meglino also has an email subscription where he emails out recipes and tips on how to continue a plant based lifestyle and how to optimize all of its benefits.
Below is the link to Graham Meglinos linktree, which includes these recipes and other resources to start a plant based diet.
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