Ariana Mehmeti, Staff Writer
Trey Mack is a comedian from Birmingham, Alabama who starred in the comedy special on Amazon Prime titled “Have Fun”. On Monday, February 26th, he performed at Chuck’s Comedy Club in Hunt Union for the students of Oneonta. The show’s beginning was a bit of a rough start due to technical difficulties involving the microphone volume being so high it burst everyone’s eardrums. However, Mack improvised and decided not to use the microphone. And then that’s when the show really began.
Throughout Mack’s set, he was very vocal and interactive with the audience, often making jokes on the fly as a true comedian does. I have a very deep love of stand-up comedy and this man has a gift of making people laugh. There was not one joke that got a fake laugh from the audience, and everyone seemed to love Mack as much as I did during his performance.
Now here are some of my favorite jokes that were said during his set. My favorite one would have had to be when a man with long hair came to the comedy show early and Mack commented on how he looked like Jesus Christ. Every chance Mack got, he commented on how that random man looked like Jesus and how he knew all. It was very hilarious and impressive how quickly he kept coming up with those jokes. Another bit he did was talking about how being a kid was so easy because you can win an argument if you rhyme.
By the end of the show, he took a few minutes to get serious with the crowd to showcase a design of a shirt he made that said, “God is Good” inside of a clock misprinted upside down because “God is great even when everything is upside down.” He then asked the audience what price he should list the shirts for on his website, when the audience told him that the shirts should be twelve dollars, Mack said, “Well I am going to put a coupon on the shop named reddragons so all of you guys here could get these shirts for a discount.”
After the show, I had the pleasure of interviewing Trey Mack and asking him a few questions. I first asked Mack why he wanted to become a comedian in the first place. Mack said, “I am a big fan of comedy and I tried it out when I was 17 years old and I was just trying it out and I couldn’t stop doing it and I am 29 years old and I still feel the same way like I just cannot stop.” I then asked Mack who were some comedians that inspired him. “I like a comedian named Karlos Miller, and somebody compared him as a jazz comedian, and the thing about jazz is that
sometimes it’s not always beautiful but it’s always honest, and to the moment that it’s played in, you know sometimes it’s sad sometimes it’s happy. And I really like that about his comedy that you never know what you’re going to get and that’s what I tried putting into mine.” Mack then also proceeded to tell me that he was stationed in the military for 7 years and really loved it but he couldn’t do comedy and realized that he absolutely needed to do comedy.
Overall, Trey Mack is the most humble and funniest comedian with his interactive bits and hilarious life stories. Now, Mack is performing in places all around America, and if you want to support him in any way, go to his Instagram @treymacklive and click on the links in his bio to purchase his t-shirt with the code reddragons!
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