Isabelle Torres, Staff Writer |
Your Weekly Horoscope forecast is here!
Aries (March 21-April 19): Take this week to make decisions, even though they may be hard. Communicate clearly and let those around you know how you are feeling. Your schedule may seem a little full this week but don’t get put down too easily. You are good at staying focused and on task so you should find a busy schedule a nice challenge.
Taurus (April 20-May 20): Straying from your schedule is never easy for you as you prefer to stay on your routine. This week you may have to break out of your comfort zone when an opportunity presents itself to you. Being carefree will give you a feeling of freedom that you are not used to, and you might just enjoy it.
Gemini (May 21-June 20): Listen to those around you, as you will find that when issues arise the leading cause is being ignored. If you can be the person who listens, the outcome of the problems will have a better turnout instead of just jumping to conclusions. You are wise and have the confidence to handle any situation that comes your way!
Cancer (June 21-July 22): Find your confidence and break your comfort zone this week, dear Cancer. Your social calendar is filling up and you are feeling a little overwhelmed, that is okay. Breathe. Take a moment this week to relax, meditate and find inner peace. Go out and enjoy some fun with friends and family but don’t forget to make time for yourself to decompress.
Leo (July 23-August 22): You have been very hard on yourself these past few weeks and it is finally time to treat yourself. Whatever your preferred method of self-care may be whether it is retail therapy, a spa day, or a night out, you deserve it, dear Leo! Make some time to see a friend or family member you have not spoken with in a while, you will find comfort in reconnecting with this person.
Virgo (August 23-September 22): Move at your own pace this week, if you push yourself too hard you will burn out and not be motivated. Sometimes you need to take things slow to feel like you are doing a better job at getting things done. Refresh your routine this week to help you be productive and push through!
Libra (September 23-October 22): Your patience may be tested this week as problems may arise, making it a bit more difficult to express yourself. Show compassion and offer as much help without overwhelming or frustrating yourself. Don’t hold too much in however, otherwise, you will explode in the heat of the moment, leaving you in a worse position.
Scorpio (October 23-November 21): It is starting to feel like the world is becoming easier to understand. Communication patterns will make sense and you will find it much easier to get things done this week. Use this surge of productivity to get ahead this week and have more time to enjoy the weekend!
Sagittarius (November 22-December 21): What a busy bee you are, dear Sagittarius! You are tugging along this week and things seem to be piling on your schedule. You enjoy always having something to do but as long as there are fun breaks in-between some of the more important obligations you have planned. Make you don’t wear yourself out too quickly and set aside some time to venture off and do your own thing.
Capricorn (December 22-January 19): You have a lot stacked up on your to-do list this week and it may seem impossible to get it all done. It is okay if you miss a few things or make a mistake along the way. Things happen and you are lucky enough to be surrounded by supporting people who you cheer for no matter what. Learn to love yourself and the mistakes you make, you will find there is a lesson to be learned in most things the universe throws your way.
Aquarius (January 20-February 18): Your personal goals may change this week as a new aspiration will be a spotlight. This is a great time to focus on what you want and the dreams you want to pursue, so go for it! This could have the potential to shine a light on an entirely new path that will have a lot of good in store for you!
Pisces (February 19-March 20): You are quite emotional this week, which is both good and bad. Your affectionate side is blossoming, and you can’t seem to keep all the love to yourself. Those around will appreciate this side of you and in return, you will find it very fulfilling. If you are finding it hard to fully express yourself try journaling or meditating, you find this relaxing and eye-opening.
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