Kimberly Adler, Contributing Writer |
Student Employee Appreciation Day will be observed by the college on Wednesday, April 17. It is a chance for supervisors and the community to recognize and show gratitude for the impact of student employees. This day falls in the middle of National Student Employment Week, which runs April 14-20. Departments are encouraged to highlight and celebrate their student employees as they see fit. In the past, acknowledgements have ranged from the simple (written thank-you notes, bulletin boards devoted to these employees, creating banners) to more elaborate undertakings (distributing gift bags, supplying home-made treats, and producing thank-you videos).
SUNY Oneonta student employees contribute so much to the identity of our school by working across departments in many varied capacities. Nearly every department on campus enjoys the benefits of student workers. They are often the first point of contact experienced by a visitor or prospective student, showing countless people what it means to be a Red Dragon. Some students are even employed off-campus at local schools and non-profit organizations, contributing to the health and vibrancy of our local community. By learning both soft and hard skills, student employees gain valuable employment experience which makes for strong résumé material. Employment during college often helps set apart and elevate recent graduates when potential employers are looking to fill job vacancies.
Student employee, Celena Chiu, had the following to say about her experience: “Being a student employee has been a wonderful experience and has provided me with some great opportunities. When I first came to campus, I felt lost and wasn’t sure where I belonged. I was fortunate enough to receive a job early on in my college career. My coworkers, supervisor, and the job itself welcomed me with open arms, and it truly began to feel like a second home. I was encouraged to step outside my comfort zone and try new things. Without their support, I would not have had the courage to run for a leadership position. I felt more confident in myself and realized I am capable of more than I give myself credit for. Since then, I have had the opportunity to work in different areas, currently holding job positions in three separate offices and maintaing two roles on an SA approved club’s executive board. Being a student employee exposed me to new opportunities and encouraged me to achieve my goals. As I get ready to graduate, I feel confident that my skills and experience from my on-campus positions will transfer into the professional environment.”
Facilitating career exploration and preparation is at the core of the Career Development Center’s mission.
The center’s staff members often meet with students to explain how to best leverage part-time college employment. Staff members do everything from explaining how to utilize the college’s online job search tool, DragonLink, to assisting with the preparation of professional materials, such as cover letters, résumés, and graduate school applications. Highlighting the skills and experience gained from employment during college is a common theme during student appointments in the Career Development Center. Students interested in these services should visit the Career Development Center in 110 Netzer to set up a meeting.
We hope you will join us on April 17 in amplifying awareness of and appreciation for the services student employees provide to our community. Thank you, student employees! Your contributions are profoundly important to the success and profile of SUNY Oneonta!
Message courtesy of the Career Development Center.
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