Maggie McCann, Staff Writer|
Special Counsel Robert Muller’s investigation claims another victim as Political Consultant
Roger Stone was arrested this past Friday, January 25. Stone was arrested early Friday morning amidst an FBI raid of his home. Charged with lying to Muller’s investigation team, the Political Consultant faced court hearings beginning later the same day.
Roger Stone has plead not guilty to all seven charges made against him including
obstruction of justice, lying to congress, and witness tampering. Stone first appeared in court on January 25, staying nearly silent throughout; he is currently out on $250,000 bail.
Roger Stone’s case is shrouded in controversy including possible unusual force by FBI
agents who raided Stone’s home early Friday morning. In an interview with The Daily Caller,
President Trump voiced concern saying he was “troubled with the way the Roger Stone raid had
been handled” adding he did not understand why so much force had been used. Robert Mullers
team justified the FBI’s strategy stating in court documents that Stone was a flight risk and they
worried he would destroy evidence if warned of FBI presence.
Stone’s arrest marks the sixth time an associate of the President has been arrested in
connection to Special Counsel Robert Muller’s investigation into the Trump administration,
however, the white house denies any connection to Stone’s case.
Stone is expected back in court March 14. In the meantime, he faces a possible gag
order by presiding judge, Amy Berman Jackson, after numerous public remarks regarding his
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