Ashley Palmietto, Contributing Writer |
SUNY Oneonta’s Athletic department will be hosting the Yards for Yeardley campaign in memory of Yeardley Love, a vicitim of a fatally absuive relationship. This event is open to Oneonta students, as well as the local community. The Yards for Yeardley event will be taking place on April 16 at The Red Dragon Field from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. In the event of bad weather, the event will be relocated to Alumni Hall.
The Yards for Yeardley organization will be in correlation with the One Love Foundation organized by the Student Athletic Advisory Committee. Their goal is to raise an awareness of abusive relationships and domestic violence. In 2010, University of Virginia student, Yeardley Love was beaten to death by her ex-boyfriend just weeks before her graduation. Due to Yeardley’s death, her family decided to create the One Love Foundation to spread awareness of the harmful effects of an abusive relationship. Many colleges and universities across the nation, specifically SUNY colleges, host annual events devoted to the Yards for Yeardley organization; by spreading the word, it could potentially help those who fall victim to an abusive relationship.
According to the Center of Disease Control, “More than one in three women and one in four men in the U.S. are survivors of relationship violence in their lifetime.” Domestic abuse can bea taboo topic, especially on college campuses. By hosting this event, it could possibly make domestic abuse a more socially accepted topic to discuss.
During the event, there will be an array of field, tabling, and interactive activities. Oneonta students, faculty, and the community will be asked to walk, jog, or run a combined distance of one million yards. Not only will money be raised, but participants will be educated about the differences between healthy and abusive relationships.
This event will encourage students and faculty to come together in memory of Yeardley Love while also being informed on the dangers of unhealthy relationships.
For more information, visit www.joinonelove.org
Very well written good job ?
Very well written good job ?