Laura Nayibi Arias, Culture Editor
Last Wednesday marked the day a bridge was formed between the Student Association (SA) and the multicultural community on this campus. After last year’s phenomena with many students highly concerned about our commitment to diversity, a liaison of multicultural affairs was in high demand by those who believed it would be the answer to better communication between the multicultural community and the rest of the campus.
Representatives from most multicultural based clubs gathered at the main room at the CME/Lee Hall as the two candidates, seniors Prissly Mena and Jared Gibson, prepared to address why they desired the position. After their remarks it was the students’ time to judge who was best fit.
After a few minutes of counting the votes that had been submitted, Mena, mass communications major and theater minor, was declared the liaison. Her way with words and pre-determined optimistic goals to accommodate this school’s responsibility towards diversity won her the position that could be the start to a new era at SUCO—an era where unity amongst different cultures is valued and encouraged.
In a brief interview with Mena, she stated that most of what we need in order to increase the “campus climate” is better communication amongst different collaborations, more specifically, amongst multicultural groups and the SA. She wants unity between the two so together they can impact the rest of campus and move towards a more welcoming campus. Mena also seeks to have a better connection with the multicultural based groups on campus in hopes to be better informed about the issues happening relating to such groups and what can, if anything, be done about them.
Though the lack of diversity, due to little engagement in multiculturalism and its components, is one of the main problems that needs to be addressed on this campus, there are other aspects that are essential to diversity. For example, the acceptance of LGBTQIA and the enforcement of educational workshops and events that teaches students about not “other” lifestyles, but different lifestyles.
I actually work at CME and its a great opportunity to diversify your network or just meet new and different people from across the region. Kudos!- Joshua Guachichulca